Bize Ulaşın ★0538 669 1917 ★[email protected]

The Political Activities of SEP Cannot Be Suppressed

The Political Activities of SEP Cannot Be Suppressed


The operation against SEP on December 13th, 2024, is a conspirative operation attempt by law enforcement, namely the Combating Terrorism Department, using an imaginary and fabricated terrorist organization they named “Trotskyists 4. Left Construction (Bolshevik—Trotsky).” This operation is a baseless attack on the fundamental rights stated in the constitution: the right to Political Activity, the right to Be Elected, the Right to Organize, Freedom of Speech, and The Ensurement of the Political Safety of Everyone.

In the scope of the operation and the investigation, our party’s administrators and members were targeted with the framing of being a members of a terrorist organization, which is completely fabricated. There is not a single piece of evidence, document, or smidge of indication of the supposed existence of this organization. Naturally, not a single piece of evidence for the relations between this imaginary organization and the cadres of SEP could be put forward. Ordinary photographs of our party’s attempts to organize strikes, defense of free education, demonstrations for women’s rights, and our members’ daily lives were included in the investigation of this fabricated terrorist organization. This faux terrorist operation and investigation is part of a plan aimed not only at obstructing the political works of our party but also at preventing the development of the working people’s opposition to brutal exploitation.

The SEP rejects terrorist methods. We believe that social transformation can only arise from the unity of workers and the use of the power of the productive forces. In this case, associating our party with an imaginary armed terrorist organization is a sheer conspiracy. The aim is to stop the SEP from gaining strength with the participation of workers and youth.

At this point, we are again stating that this sham investigation is a practice of a government that ignores the will of the people, political freedoms, and democratic rights. We especially demand the immediate release of our members who have been placed under house arrest. Our party leaders and members have been placed under house arrest on completely fabricated charges, and their freedoms have been unfairly taken away from them by preventing them from political activities, living, and working. These unjust and baseless practices must be ended as soon as possible.

This operation is not only an attack on a party but also an attack on all democratic rights. Such police state practices continue to violate freedoms and rights, while also aiming to create fear and intimidation. However, the SEP will not give up and will continue to fight against such oppression.

We state once again that there is no concrete evidence for the existence of the imaginary terrorist organization mentioned. This operation is purely a political pressure and aims to intimidate. We demand the immediate cancellation of this fake investigation and strongly condemn this unjust attack on our party.

Our party will continue to defend the workers’ power, will not deviate from the path it knows is right despite all pressures, and will continue its struggle with determination. These practices, which ignore the will of the people and are contrary to the most basic democratic procedures, will not be successful.

Today, the conspiracy operations against the SEP are an attack on everyone who fights for democracy, equality, and freedom. Therefore, we call on all our people to stand shoulder to shoulder against oppression and tyranny, to stand in solidarity with our party, and to organize.

Long Live Socialism! Long Live Workers’ Unity and Struggle!


Sign the petition against the conspiracy against SEP:

Sosyalistler Varsa Umut Var!


0538 669 1917

[email protected]

Genel Merkez: Kocatepe Mah. Bayındır 2 Sok. 45/7 Kızılay/ANKARA